
Academic Life

A Levels are the core of our academic offering at HGS. We offer students the flexibility they need to ensure that they are academically challenged but also have time to throw themselves into the wealth of other opportunities our Sixth Form offers.

Sixth Form students at Hulme can choose from an impressive range of academic A Level courses, many of which they will have studied before at GCSE, alongside other subjects that are exclusively offered at A Level. Our Sixth Form students choose four subjects to study in Year 12, and most will reduce to three by Year 13. As with all aspects of sixth form life, there is flexibility to suit the needs and ambitions of each individual student. Students are also given the opportunity to study for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) if they so choose.

We treat each student as the individual they are and they make their choices about the programme of study in consultation with our academic staff team whose aim is that students should build on their GCSE success, play to their strengths and academic passions, and lay firm foundations on which to build when they leave us. As with all sections of the school, we believe that small class sizes, and individual care and attention are the key to effective pastoral and academic support.

We are in the business of producing students whose love of learning is lifelong and we encourage them to pursue their academic interests in a range of ways outside of their A Level specifications. In Year 12, all students are taught an extensive programme of study skills, so they know how to do important things like build a bibliography, research from a range of sources effectively, and spot misinformation and bias.

In addition, regular Sixth Form lectures, delivered by Hulme staff and other experts in their field, help to broaden students’ minds and challenge their preconceptions. Cultural excursions, home and overseas travel opportunities, and field trips complement their learning in school and expose them to the wider world which is theirs for the taking.


A Level Subjects: