
Academic Life

Our educational philosophy is founded on the principle of ‘Challenge for All’ by which we mean that every young person, regardless of their starting point, deserves to be challenged, supported and inspired to reach their full potential.

At HGS, we inspire a passion for inquiry and life-long learning through a curriculum that is deliberately broad, balanced and knowledge-rich, designed and led by passionate subject experts. 

HGS provides a safe space for students to grow, a place where failure is seen as integral to eventual success and where intellectual risk-taking is rewarded. Students collaborate together, learning with each other, and from each other.

View the GCSE 24/25 prospectus pack here.



Core subjects and are compulsory at GCSE. The core subjects are: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, PSHE and at least two Science GCSEs:

Year 9 Options

Our full list of options subjects is listed below. At Hulme, we do not have any specific rules or constraints about which subject you should choose.