

40667 Subject Icons Turqouise Aw 14

History is a popular and highly regarded academic A level subject. 

  • Firstly, you should choose History because you find the study of how people lived in the past, the study of how societies functioned and changed over time, and why, and how power was distributed, fascinating.
  • Secondly, you should choose History because you enjoy the debate and argument, and relish the challenge of deciding for yourself why things happened in the way that they did.
  • Thirdly, you should choose History because it is a highly regarded subject for developing “transferable skills” – see below.

The structure of the course is a linear one with all A level qualification exams taking place at the end of Year 13 in addition to the submission of one piece of coursework.  In line with school policy, all students will complete exams at the end of Year 12 which will give a stand-alone AS qualification for students not continuing their studies to the full A level qualification.

The course content in Year 12 centres on the theme of nationalism, dictatorship and democracy in twentieth century Europe, focussing upon in-depth studies of Germany and Italy.  In Year 13 students will study a British history option and complete one piece of coursework based upon a topic which realises differing historical interpretations and debate.

Students should have achieved a GCSE grade 6 in History. Whilst it is beneficial to have studied GCSE History, it is not a requirement to study the subject in the Sixth Form. An interest in the subject content together with literacy and analytical skills are of comparable value. If in doubt then ask a member of the departmental staff.

History is a very versatile discipline in that it combines with virtually any other A Level subject either from the arts or humanities. Recently, many students have combined History with a maths/science option. They have found History a refreshing change, whilst appreciating the analytical challenges it presents.   

Key Course Details
Course typeA Level
Exam boardEdexcel
AssessmentWritten examination (80%)
Coursework (20%)