
Careers & Higher Education

Hulmegrammarschool 357

As well as helping them to secure exam results that will pave the way for their next steps, we are committed to ensuring that our Sixth Form students are given the support they need to prepare for their futures beyond HGS. A key component of that is the development of inter-personal skills that will maximise their chances of making it successfully in a competitive environment beyond the Sixth Form, and so our co-curricular programme and PSHE curriculum includes public speaking training, interview practice and CV-writing workshops.

A distinctive feature of our Careers support is that we partner all of our Year 12 students with a former Hulme student who is established in their field of work, so that each of our current students can begin to build their professional network before they leave us, drawing on the wisdom and experience of those who have studied at HGS before them. Their alumni partner mentors them, is in regular contact with them and helps them to prepare for higher education and their career beyond.

This individual mentoring complements the comprehensive Sixth Form Careers programme that runs through Years 12 and 13. Our UCAS and higher education support is second-to-none. Our students leave us at the end of Year 13 to go into a huge range of courses, at a whole host of universities and colleges, and step into careers as varied as they are. A glance at our destinations of leavers list shows that, whatever their aspirations, Hulme Sixth Formers are given the individualised support they need to get to where they want to be.

The leadership opportunities that Hulme Sixth Formers can volunteer for allows them to hone the skills and build the experience they need to be future leaders. As well as serving the community they are part of, developing a strong sense of the notion of ‘giving back’, philanthropy and activism, their student leadership will equip them for ethical, principled leadership in the future in whatever field they eventually work in.

There are opportunities for students to play important roles in the life of the House system and to serve as House Captains. Student Ambassadors work closely with academic departments and organise activities at open events and academic outreach in local state primary schools. Our Head Student team, elected by the Hulme staff and students, act as public faces of the school as well as inspiring the school community with their dedication, energy and the big-heartedness that is so prominent a feature of HGS.