

40667 Subject Icons Aw 07

Drama offers students the opportunity to explore a range of creative as well as critical thinking skills while engaging and encouraging them to become imaginative and confident performers and designers.

It implements and instils key skills applicable to a variety of careers as you learn to present yourself in public, with confidence. You will also learn to collaborate, communicate and negotiate with others, think analytically and evaluate effectively. You will pursue your own ideas, reflect and refine your efforts. Whatever the future holds, you will emerge with a toolkit of transferable skills, applicable both in further studies and in the workplace.

Future Careers: Law, Politics, Social Work, TV and radio presenting, teaching, directing, acting, writing, journalism, arts administration, backstage theatre technicians or designers. Many transferable skills are used in other careers including medical professions and social media/computer science.

Course Content

The subject content is divided into three components:

  1. Understanding DramaWritten examination
  2. Devising Drama Perform your own play and submit a devising log – Non-Examined Assessment
  3. Texts in PracticePerform two extracts from a script for a visiting examiner

In the practical components, students may specialise in performing, lighting, sound, set, costume or puppetry. Whilst many of the lessons focus on the practical elements of this course, the building up of a lively portfolio full of inspiration, ideas, collaboration and experimentation and finally evaluation, is also a central part of the course. Students also practise essay writing skills in preparation for the written examination.


Key Course Details
Exam boardAQA
AssessmentWritten exam (40%)
Creating and performing devised drama (40%)
A performance of two extracts from one play (205)