
Design and Technology

40667 Subject Icons Aw 06

GCSE Design and Technology students design and create objects that have practical use, using a variety of techniques. Do you enjoy developing your own ideas? Design and Technology is purposeful, as well as fun and exciting!

Studying this GCSE builds upon what you have learned about designing and manufacturing throughout Key Stage 3. You will use your knowledge and skills to design and make new and better solutions to real and relevant problems, considering your own and others’ needs, wants and values.

You will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a designer alongside in-depth knowledge and skills to progress to A level. A high proportion of Design and Technology students pursue further education courses and careers in a wide range of careers from research and development, teaching and technical roles, creative, engineering and manufacturing industries.

It is also excellent preparation for careers in many other fields e.g. journalism, medicine, law and computer science. Whatever career you choose, the knowledge and skills you learn, will prepare you to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world.

Course content

GCSE Design and Technology requires you to study all types of material categories for the written exam. During the two-year course, you will also produce a design portfolio and prototype/s. Students can either use a combination of materials or concentrate on just one specific material type, techniques and processes from papers and boards, timber, plastics and textile materials.

During Year 10 you will continue to build a range of skills and gain knowledge of all the material areas to develop techniques taught through short, project-based tasks. You do not need to be good at drawing, as you can use computer-aided design (CAD) programmes as a tool to communicate your design intentions effectively using design apps on your Chromebook or via industry-standard software installed in our design IT suite. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is encouraged – for example 3D Printing, laser cutting, CNC embroidery, through mini-practical projects.

In Year 11, the main focus will be the design portfolio in your chosen material area (Non-Examined Assessment worth 50% overall), although theoretical aspects of all material areas will continue to be taught. Students who are able to display independence, initiative and enjoy making are likely to thrive during this unit.

Written Examination 2 hours – 50 per cent of GCSE which covers Core Materials and Specialist Technical Principles in your chosen material area. This GCSE contains just one written examination.

Design and Making Principles Non-Exam Assessment (Design Portfolio) – 50 per cent of GCSE: consists of a single design and making of a prototype taking approximately 30-35 hours to complete from a range of exam board set contexts. This unit is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated.

Key Course Details
Exam boardAQA
AssessmentWritten examination (50%)
Practical Design Portfolio (50%)