
Art and Design

40667 Subject Icons V1 01

Art and Design is a practical and enjoyable GCSE with no written exam. It is completed during lessons in both Years 10 and 11. All work is handed in and marked by mid-May in Year 11, so this GCSE is under your belt before you start the examination period in your other subjects.

If you enjoy thinking for yourself, working to your strengths, being creative and exploring your ideas through experimentation, then you should consider a GCSE in this subject.

You will broaden your experience of techniques and processes including new technologies, software and apps.

The value of the Creative Industries in the UK is worth £84.1bn a year and there are many wide ranging career opportunities within this field, such as: web design, art direction, architecture, textile design, film, special effects, gaming, stage set design, product design, advertising, interior design, logo / branding design, magazine layout design, app design, illustration, animation to name but a few.

Course content

Ideally, you will be skilful and passionate about your ideas, although if you are willing to follow the help and advice offered you are likely to be very successful.

Individual and personal responses to set themes are encouraged. Your practical skills will develop hugely throughout the course with five hours of study in a two-week period.

You will be guided to work to your own strengths and interests; the range of styles, materials and outcomes possible within Art makes it accessible to everyone.

There are six titles under the umbrellas of Art & Design:

  • Fine Art
  • Photography
  • Graphic Communication
  • Art Craft & Design
  • 3D Design
  • Textile Design

You can be entered for any of these six titles. We will begin with a broad course in Art, Craft & Design as this covers all titles. If you are particularly driven to produce work in a specific title, then you will be entered for the relevant title in January of Year 11. Entries are determined by the individual and their own particular strength or preferred style.

Key Course Details
Exam boardAQA
Assessment100% practical examination