About HGS

Governors & Leadership

The Chair of Governors, Mrs V Stocker, may be contacted via the School’s Clerk to the Governors, by emailing clerk-to-governors@hulmegrammar.org

Enquiries about or for the Governors may be sent to the same address.

Chair: Mrs V Stocker LLB (Chair of the Steering Committee and contactable via the School’s Clerk to the Governors)

Vice Chair: Mrs A Richards BSc (Hons) (Child Protection Governor)

Mr J Greenwood BA (Hons) MRICS, MCIOB (Chair of the Property Committee)

Mr R S Illingworth (BSc (Hons) Acting Treasurer

Mr R Lobley MRICS (Chair of the Health, Safety & Environment Committee)

Mr D Spencer FPFS, IMC

Mr J Sutcliffe BA (Hons) MEd

Mr G Wheeldon CDir, FIoD (Chair of the Marketing and Admissions Committee)

Principal: Mr Tony Oulton

Contact: the Executive Assistant to the Principal j.millington@hulmegrammar.org 

Head of Senior School: Mr John Budding

Contact: admin@hulmegrammar.org 

Head of Prep School: Mrs Zoey Ward

Contact: prepadmin@hulmegrammar.org 

Director of Marketing, Admissions and Communication: Miss Niamh Begley

Contact: marketing@hulmegrammar.org

Director of Development and Public Benefit: Mr Marc Hornby

Contact: development@hulmegrammar.org

Director of Finance and Operations: Mrs Carly MacDonald

Contact: finance@hulmegrammar.org

In addition to the Executive Leadership Team:

Deputy Principal Academic – Mr Mark Jones

Deputy Principal Pastoral – Mr Andrew Marshall

Deputy Head of Prep – Mrs Alanya Thorpe

Head of Sixth Form – Mrs Arwa Berry

Assistant Principal Additional Needs – Mr Richard Hobson-Williams

Assistant Principal Academic – Miss Rebecca Turner

Head of Year 13 and Outreach Lead – Dr Chris Millington