
Combined Science: Trilogy

40667 Subject Icons Aw 23

Trilogy Science is a course which provides two GCSE grades. These are produced as a combination of the results from the (six) examinations taken in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, with each paper being equally weighted. This is in contrast to studying Separate Sciences, where you get a grade for each individual science.

The content covered in Combined Science: Trilogy demands the same depth of understanding to reach a grade 9, but has fewer topics to study. Each Science is taught by different teachers to allow greater specialisation in your work.

Combined Science is an ideal choice for someone who wishes to maintain a wide breadth of study as it frees up an option for another subject, but studying fewer topics can be ideal for someone who struggles with some of the concepts addressed in separate sciences.

You can progress to Science A Levels via either the Trilogy or Separate Science route.

Course Content

  • Cell biology
  • Organisation
  • Infection and response
  • Bioenergetics
  • Homeostasis and response
  • Inheritance, variation and evolution
  • Ecology
  • Atomic structure and the periodic table
  • Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
  • Quantitative chemistry
  • Chemical changes
  • Energy changes
  • The rate and extent of chemical change
  • Organic chemistry
  • Chemical analysis
  • Chemistry of the atmosphere
  • Using resources
  • Energy
  • Electricity
  • Particle model of matter
  • Atomic structure
  • Forces
  • Waves
  • Magnetism and electromagnetism

Assessment of Combined Science Trilogy follows the same pattern and style as the Separate Science papers, with the same topics included in each; so 2 papers per science. Each is, however, a shorter paper (1 hour 15 minutes, compared to 1 hour 45 minutes), with fewer questions and marks (70 compared to 100).

Key Course Details
Exam boardAQA
AssessmentWritten examination (100%)