Here you will find exam information for GCSE and A Level students, as well as information about trial exams throughout the school journey.
To help prepare students for their External GCSE and A Level examinations, we conduct trial exams in:
- Year 11 and 13 in February/March
- Year 12 in January and April/May
- Year 10 in April/May
- Years 7, 8 and 9 before May half term
Timetables will be accessible on the Pupil and Parent Portal’s.
Please find here a comprehensive list of awarding bodies and entry codes.
Individual student timetables will be accessible on the Pupil and Parent Portal’s
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has put into place rules and regulations to allow the examinations to run as smoothly as possible and to ensure fairness for all students. Please take time to familiarise yourself with the following regulations.
Students are invited to come and collect their AS/A Level and GCSE results on the dates shown below. Members of staff will be available to offer further guidance and support if required.
A Level 14th August 2025
GCSE 21st August 2025
An annually updated booklet Results and Post Results Information for Students and Parents will be issued after at the end of each academic year.
If you have lost your certificate and need proof of your results, click on the link below for information on how to replace them.