Our sound archive is a place for 'old boys' and 'old girls' to share memories of their days at school.
We have a growing collection of both audio and video recordings; some are individual while others are group sessions. A number of ex-pupils have returned to the school to look around and to make a recording. Others who have not been able to make the journey have been visited in their own homes.
In 2012, archive team members Margaret Castleton and Jean Sanders accompanied the OHGS football teams on their bi-annual visit to Guernsey where they were to play matches against teams from the Intermediate School. In 1940, the boys of the Intermediate School were evacuated en-masse, along with their teachers, to Oldham where they remained for the duration of the Nazi occupation. The Guernsey boys boarded with local families and came to school every day to be taught by their own teachers. Our team were able to meet with and record the memories of four Guernsey boys.
We also have recordings of people who were in school as long ago as the 1930s.
If you would be willing to share your memories, please contact us. We are interested in ex-pupils of all ages, and will visit you at your convenience or meet with you in school. For those of you who either no longer live in the area or are perhaps reluctant to have a recording made, we would be happy to receive your memories in writing.
Please contact us by letter or by email: archive@hulmegrammar.org